Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I received a personal phone call today from a high school intern working for Serve.gov, asking for me to personally spread the word of the great things Serve.gov has to offer. If your agency is in need of volunteers or you are a concerned citizen who would like to make a difference, Please visit www.serve.gov and register your agency or individual volunteer project. This young man was polite, professional and passionate in what he is doing. Join us in registering at www.serve.gov

Monday, June 8, 2009

Foundation Communities

Foundation Communities
Looking to hire
Director of Development & Communications

The Director of Development & Communications is responsible for the overall fundraising and communications program of the organization. The position reports to the Executive Director and is part of the senior leadership team.
Foundation Communities is a nonprofit organization that creates affordable housing where families succeed and provides tools that empower people to increase their educational and financial standing. Foundation Communities raises over $2 million annually, or about 10-15% of the organization’s operating budget, through grants and gifts from foundations, corporations and individuals. Foundation Communities is supported by United Way Capital Area and is a charter member of NeighborWorks America. More details about our housing model and service programs are at www.foundcom.org Please respond by email to resumes@foundcom.org. Foundation Communities is an equal opportunity employer.
Primary responsibilities include:
Plan annual fundraising strategy for organization, including grants, individual donations, major gifts, etc. Write and supervise the writing of proposals to foundations, corporations, government agencies and individuals for capital projects and program operations. Work closely with program staff in the development of funding proposals, completion and submission of grant reports, etc.
Implement individual fundraising program through monthly luncheons and other events, systematic follow up, annual fundraising luncheon, stewardship, and thank you events
Identify, research, strategize, and develop relationships with prospective donors
Work with Executive Director, Board, and Fundraising Committee to support their participation in fundraising, strategy, and follow up
Oversee systems to track grant and evaluation deadlines, record contacts and follow up, maintain mailing list and acknowledge gifts. Ensure grant reporting requirements are fulfilled
Lead the planning and implementation of strategies to promote the organization to the general public, clients and key stakeholders
Supervise the creation of materials that represent the organization, including design and production of printed matter (newsletters, brochures, reports), organization video and website.
Represent organization at tours, speaking events, etc.
Oversee internal staff and volunteer communication pieces
Coordinate public relations response in event of crisis or unscheduled events
The Director leads a team of four staff: Grant Writer/Development Manager, Public Relations Manager, Volunteer and Special Projects Manager, Database Administrator (pt).
Key skills and qualities
· Significant development and supervisory experience preferred, especially within the Austin area
· Proficient grant writer: clear, concise, quick, audience specific. Enjoys working with program staff to translate and present strong proposals.
· Able to connect with residents and clients to tell their story. Can connect personally with our work and mission.
· Understands outcome measurement relevant to our areas of work
· Highly productive and self motivated, likes variety and flexibility
· Donor database experience (Sage)
· Experience with Benevon model of individual fundraising desirable

Friday, June 5, 2009

Protecting Tenants in Foreclosure Act

On May 20, Congress approved and the President signed into law the “Protecting Tenants in Foreclosure Act,” which is Title VII of "The Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009", Public Law 111-22. The law will:
Give all renters in properties that are foreclosed after May 20, the date the President signed the bill, at least 90 days notice before having to move, and in most cases the ability to reside through the end of their lease term, if longer, and
Give tenants with section 8 vouchers the same rights to remain as other tenants, with the new owner at foreclosure (typically the mortgage lender) automatically becoming a party to the Section 8 contract, enabling families to retain their rental assistance and to continue to afford their housing.
These provisions are effective now. To help agencies and advocates understand the provisions, the National Housing Law Project is hosting a webinar on Wednesday June 10. Information about the webinar and how to join is below:

Protecting Tenants in Foreclosed Properties: New Federal Protections Join us for a Webinar on June 10 Reserve your Webinar seat now at:https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/352200712

Dear advocates, Please join us on Wednesday, June 10, at 11 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Central/2 p.m. Eastern for a 90-minute webinar on the recently enacted Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act. This webinar will cover: 1. Legislative history and underlying policy rationales. 2. The text of the statute and its implications. 3. Common questions, including the relationship between the statute and state and local laws and practices. 4. Working with housing authorities, financial institutions, and government sponsored entities to implement the statute. Presenters: Danna Fischer, Legislative Director and Counsel, National Low Income Housing Coalition Catherine Bendor, Legal Director, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty David T. Rammler, Director of Government Relations, National Housing Law Project A representative from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (invited) The intended audience for this webinar is advocates. Please note that we will be hosting a future webinar designed for a broader audience, including members of the lending community.
Questions About Registering?Contact Meliah Schultzman, mschultzman@nhlp.org, 510-251-9400 x. 3116
Title: Tenants in Foreclosed Properties: New Federal Protections Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

National HIV Testing Day (June 27)

This month, Community Voice Mail (CVM) is partnering with AIDS.gov to send voice and email messages to clients of CVM in Houston about HIV testing resources. While this is officially part of a promotion for National HIV Testing Day on June 27, it’s a good health message to send to your clients at any time. Since you and your agency colleagues work with a lot of clients who don’t have CVM and aren’t receiving these messages directly, we wanted to make sure that you have information that you can share with your other clients and your fellow staff.

The message below was written specifically for CVM agencies by Miguel Gomez, the Director of AIDS.gov. Please forward to others in your agency, and make this information available to all of your clients.

Thank you!

One out of five—that’s the latest CDC estimate ( http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5739a2.htm ) of how many people living with HIV in the United States are unaware of their HIV status. Stigma around HIV remains a barrier for HIV testing. National HIV Testing Day is an opportunity to reduce HIV testing stigma and promote testing. On behalf of AIDS.gov, thank you for helping us get the word out about this important day.

In addition to sending out voice and email mail messages to your clients, here are some other ways you can help promote National HIV Testing Day:

· Encourage your clients to get tested
Your clients can find out about testing facilities in your area in at least these three ways:

1. Call 1-800-CDC-Info (1-800-232-4636). This is the National hotline for the CDC. You or your clients can call anytime and someone will answer your questions and help you find a free or inexpensive testing center.
2. Visit http://www.HIVtest.org, the National HIV and STD Testing Resources web site from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Enter your zip code to find a testing center near you. You can also find a lot of accurate information about HIV and the testing process.
3. Text a nearby ZIP code to “KNOWIT” (566948). If you have a cell phone and use text messaging, you’ll get a text message back with a local testing center (normal text messaging charges apply).

· Share your HIV testing story
During June, our AIDS.gov blog will highlight several HIV testing story campaigns. We also welcome your stories (via blog comments) about what getting an HIV test meant to you and your clients.
· Promote an HIV testing story video widget
We’re developing a video widget with the CDC of HIV testing stories from different campaigns. Check back on AIDS.gov soon for the code to add the widget to your agency’s website, social network profiles, or blog.
· Add an HIV testing “Badge” to your web site, blog or social networking profile
Tell your clients, friends, colleagues, and family to find their local HIV testing sites by sending a text message with their ZIP code to “KNOWIT” (566948) or visiting www.HIVtest.org. Copy the code below to add a web badge to your website, social network profiles, or blog.

180x150 pixels
World AIDS Day. Take the test. Take control. www.hivtest.org

· Send an HIV testing e-card
Send your clients, friends, colleagues, and family a personalized e-card to remind them of the importance of National HIV Testing Day and knowing your HIV status. Check back on AIDS.gov soon for links to new e-cards!
· Use the “NHTD09” Twitter hashtag
If you’re tweeting about National HIV Testing Day events and information, please use the hashtag “#NHTD09”. Follow AIDS.gov on Twitter for other National HIV Testing Day updates!
· Learn & share info about the CDC’s Act against AIDS Leadership Initiative
The CDC has launched a new national domestic HIV campaign called “Act Against AIDS” that aims to reduce HIV incidence in the U.S. Visit the campaign site for videos, banner ads, fact sheets, and more.

Thank you for joining us in promoting National HIV Testing Day 2009. We appreciate your important work and look forward to future collaborations.

Best regards,
Miguel Gomez, AIDS.gov Director, and The AIDS.gov Team

Monday, June 1, 2009

DO NOT Kill the CHIP Bill

Will the Texas House kill the CHIP bill?

The Senate passed the CHIP buy-in bill on Sunday, but the House adjourned without voting on the legislation. The House will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Monday for the final day of the legislative session. Please call Speaker Straus and your Texas House member early on Monday and tell them:

"Do not kill the CHIP bill. We need a vote on the CHIP bill on Monday."

* Speaker Straus: 1.888.327.2086
* Find your legislator: http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/ <http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/>

Your calls to state leaders are making a difference. Today (Monday) is the very last day of the legislative session. Your calls got the CHIP bill passed in the Senate--now we need your help to get it passed in the House on the final day of the legislative session. Please call today, and get your friends and family to call too!

Don't let the clock run out on 80,000 children. Call now to Save CHIP!!

Barbara Best
Texas Executive Director

Children's Defense Fund
4500 Bissonnet, Suite 260
Bellaire, Texas 77401
p (713) 664-4080 f (713) 664-1975
e bbest@childrensdefense.org

www.childrensdefense.org <https://mail.childrensdefense.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.childrensdefense.org>

Step Forward for Children

Affodable Housing Drive

As America celebrates National Homeownership Month during June, the City of Houston and Houston HOPE Homes, are marking the event by hosting an Affordable Housing Drive on:

Friday, June 5, 11 a.m to 3 p.m.,

in Martha Hermann Square, right in front of City Hall. FREE PUBLIC ADMISSION! Visit one-on-one with dozens of affordable homebuilders, lenders, and counseling agencies. Learn about downpayment assistance programs provided by the City of Houston's Housing Department.LEARN ABOUT:- Affordable New Homes- Houston HOPE Homes- Downpayment Assistance- First-time Homebuyers Information- How to Qualify for a Mortgage- Understanding your Credit ScoresSponsored by City of Houston, Houston HOPE Homes, LARA and GHBA.


The Church Without Walls

For Mothers with Children and Single Women in Transitional Shelter Homes

The Mosaic Women’s Ministry at the Church Without Walls cordially invites your facility or organization to participate in our 8th Annual Refreshing and Renewal Confabulation

The conference is “FREE” and will be held Saturday, June 27, 2009 at The Church Without Walls –Southwest Campus, 7500 Eldridge Pkwy., Houston, Texas 77083 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

This conference will offer:
· Life Changing Workshops, Exciting Speakers, Warm Sister Fellowship, Complimentary Breakfast and Lunch, Free Clothing, Day Care provided and much more.

Please return the attached registration form by mail or fax and we will respond promptly. We welcome the attendance of facility Directors and/or Coordinators.

If you have any further questions, please respond by email to: renewedinnovations@sbcglobal.net or call 832-723-6708.

Patricia Burton-Porter,
Mosaic Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Free Workshop for Women and Children
Please reply by June 12, 2009

Return completed form to:
The Church Without Walls
5725 Queenston Blvd. ~ Houston, TX. 77084 or
fax to: 281-649-6850



Name/Contact Person





Contact No.____________________________________________

E-mail address: _________________________________________

Please Specify:

Total Number of Women_____ Total Number of Children________

No I/We cannot attend, but will donate $________to help support this event.

Make ALL checks payable to:
The Church Without Walls and specify: MWM Confab Event


Texas Southern University Robert J. Terry Library
& Houston Area Urban League
The 4th Health & Social Justice Gathering
Unnatural Causes-Is Inequality Making Us Sick?
A PBS Documentary
Date: Thursday, June 11th, 2009
Time: 12 noon
Location: Texas Southern University
Student Life Center Room 207
3100 Cleburne Street
Please RSVP to:
Lunch Will be Provided for the First 100 that RSVP
Sponsored By
Brown Foundation, Inc.
TSU Urban Learning Center
TSU Robert J. Terry Library
Houston Area Urban League Health Initiatives
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
RSVP to: