Friday, May 29, 2009

Medication Assistance

Pfizer Inc. recently announced it will launch an innovative program to help eligible unemployed Americans and their families who have lost their health insurance to maintain access to their Pfizer medicines at no cost.

The program, called MAINTAIN (Medicines Assistance for Those who Are in Need) is designed to help recently unemployed Americans and their families who have lost their insurance and who are taking Pfizer medicines to continue treatment at no cost for up to one year. The program will be open for enrollment through December 31, 2009 and applies to eligible Americans who have become unemployed since January 1, 2009.

Eligibility requirements of the MAINTAIN program include:
Loss of employment since January 1, 2009;
Prescribed and taking a Pfizer medicine for at least 3 months prior to unemployment and enrolling in the program;
Lack of prescription drug coverage; and
Can attest to financial hardship.

Patients who qualify will receive their Pfizer medicines at no cost for up to 12 months or until they become re-insured (whichever occurs first). Over 70 Pfizer primary care medicines will be available through the program.

To make it easy for people to apply, the program will be integrated into Pfizer’s existing family of patient assistance programs called Pfizer Helpful Answers®. All of Pfizer’s patient assistance programs, including the new program, can be reached by calling a single phone number (1-866-706-2400) or by

Pfizer remains committed and eager to do its part for health reform and a sustainable economic recovery. Please let me know if you have any questions about this new access program or need additional information. Attached please find a program fact sheet and step by step enrollment guide for those whom you serve.

Best wishes during the summer and always – Melody Chatelle, advocacy consultant, Pfizer

Friday, May 22, 2009


HUD VASH Information for CoCs

The information provided below was developed by the VA to provide additional information on the HUD VASH program to HUD’s local providers and Continuum's of Care.

HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program (HUD- VASH)
HUD-VASH is one program in the VA's homeless continuum of care. Veterans participants in the HUD-VASH Program must meet VA health care eligibility as defined by law and regulation (including enrollment in the VA health care system) and they must be homeless. The HUD- VASH program defines "homeless" by adopting the McKinney Act, Title 42, definition which is: an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, or an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is:
(a) A supervised publicly or privately-operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations, including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill;
(b) An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or
(c) A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.

A chronically homeless Veteran is a person who has been continuously homeless for 1 year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past 3 years.

The Targeted referral population for HUD-VASH includes chronically homeless Veterans and their dependents, homeless Veterans who usually present with mental health or substance use disorders, other homeless Veterans with diminished functional capacity and who need case management to obtain or sustain permanent housing. A period of sustained sobriety is not a prerequisite of the HUD-VASH Program.

The HUD-VASH Program referral sources include:

· Community source, including shelters, street outreach teams, members of the local continuum of care or community provider networks;
· The Health Care for Homeless Veterans Program;
· The Domiciliary or Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Program;
· The Health Care for Re-Entry Veterans (HCRV) Program;
· The Grant & Per Diem Program;
· VA medical facility inpatient and outpatient programs;
· VA and community Emergency Services; and
· Community-based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC).

Questions and or concerns related to HUD-VASH should be directed to Vince Kane at Vincent.Kane@VA.Gov or by calling 215-823-4035.

Ticket To Work: Region 6 teleconference

Region VI Teleconference

June 15, 2009
2:00 pm ET. 1:00 pm CT

The Social Security Administration (SSA) and CESSI, the Ticket to Work Program Manager for Recruitment and Outreach (PMRO), invite you to participate in a Ticket to Work Teleconference for beneficiaries, Employment Networks, Potential Employment Networks, SSA personnel, Vocational Rehabilitation staff, MIG staff, and all other interested TTW stakeholders to help understand the support available from SSA, and MAXIMUS, the Ticket to Work Operation Support Manager. The purpose of this teleconference is to provide an overview of the:

Updates on Ticket Express Activities and Where To Go Next
Successes from the Texas Ticket Express Events
Highlighting New Opportunities for State VR with Partnership Plus
The SSA Hiring Initiative
Highlighting Successes with EN Recruitment
Beneficiary Outreach Activities

Presenters: Dan O’Brien, Acting Associate Commissioner, OESP, SSA
Jim Hanophy, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Assistive &
Rehabilitative Services
Sallie Rhodes, CESSI Ticket to Work Program Specialist

Moderator: Isaac Huff, Service Provider Coordinator/Account Manager, CESSI

To participate in this Teleconference, please visit:, click the banner which says register for the Region Six teleconference. If you require any assistive aides or services, please place the request at least five days prior to the teleconference, and if you have any questions, please email:

If you would like more information on Ticket to Work please call Isaac Huff at: 703-448-6155x234, or visit, or

This list is managed by the CESSI Division of Axiom Resource Management, the Program Manager for Recruitment & Outreach (PMRO) for Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program. If you need additional information or if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to this mailing list, please contact us at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mary's Miracles New Address

Mary's Miracles Outreach Program Inc.
has a new mailing address
P.O. Box 231812 Houston, TX 77223
Please make new changes in all Data Base Systems please thanks in advance.
We now accept men

Mary's Miracles Outreach Program Inc.
Paula Vaughn Executive Director
P.O. Box 231812 Houston, TX 77223
281-974-3383 Office
501(C)3 Tax Exempt Non-profit organization
Releasing One Knot At A Time!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Green Job Training Funds

The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has announced its initial plans for awarding “green job training” funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 44-08 summarizes these plans. This document can be found at
ETA draws your particular attention to the “Pathways out of Poverty” grants mentioned in TEN 44-08. Two separate applicant pools can compete for grants under this solicitation:
(1) Eligible national community-based and faith-based organizations with local networks; and
(2) Local partnerships that include community-based organizations, education and training institutions, business and labor organizations.

CHIP and Medicaid can now complete the application on line

Please go to to see the latest developments. Clients can now apply online and print a PDF copy of their online application to use as a receipt. The client will receive their application in the mail for a signature in about 2 weeks. They will also receive a bar coded letter to use when they return their signed application and any missing information requested.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

VA Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI)

The VA Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI) is inviting you to participate in the VA CFBCI quarterly conference call.
The next call is scheduled to be offered on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (EDT); 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (PDT).

The purpose of this call is to share new and helpful information to all interested individuals and FBCOs about activities they can participate in at the VA. This conference call is made possible through the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs Network Teleconference System (VANTS). The purpose of this call is to share new and helpful information with our ListServ audience, provide an avenue for interactive discussion and inform FBCOs about activities for which they can participate.

Topics of Discussion:
1:00 p.m. – 1:20 p.m. – Welcome/Discussion of the Future of the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Mr. Stephen B. Dillard, Acting Director, VA CFBCI 1:20p.m. – 1:35 p.m. – Max Collier, VA CFBCI Faith-Based and Nonprofit Workshop in New Orleans
1:35-1:50- Open Forum and Closing Remarks Teleconference on VA Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

The call-in number is:
(1-800-767-1750 access code 33419)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

FREE Workshop

There’s still time!!! Register Now!!! FREE Workshop

VA Faith-Based and Non-Profit Organizations Working Together to Serve Veterans

Please call Stephen Dillard on (202) 461-7604, Elona Williams (202) 461-7606, Max Collier (202) 461-7960 or 202-461-7689 or email

For additional information on the workshops please visit our website http// under What's New.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Information on Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood. They are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat rusty-red-colored oval bodies. Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed, they are big enough to be easily seen, but often hide in cracks in furniture, floors, or walls. When bed bugs feed, their bodies swell and become brighter red. They can live for several months without feeding on a host.

Follow this link to download flyer:

Hogg Foundation RFP

The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health ( ) is accepting proposals from Texas-based 501(c)(3) organizations to develop and strengthen mental health services and supports for children and families in Houston/Harris County, with a focus on geographic areas of highest need.
A component of the foundation’s endowment, the Ima Hogg fund, is dedicated to mental health services for children, youth and their families in Houston/Harris County. For more than 30 years, the fund has supported prevention, early intervention and treatment for children, youth and their families in a variety of settings.
The foundation plans to invest up to $3 million a year in the next three years and intends to award multiple grants for one-, two- and three-year proposals. Proposals are due by 1 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT) on Monday, June 22, 2009.
View the request for proposals and eligibility requirements online at
The foundation will host an informational teleconference for potential respondents at 10 a.m. CDT on May 21. Register for the call online by 1 p.m. CDT on May 20 to receive dial-in instructions.
Please forward this message to others who may be interested in this funding opportunity.
Since 1940, the foundation has worked to improve the mental health of all Texans through the support of effective mental health services, research, policy and public education. The foundation is part of the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin.

Monday, May 11, 2009

2nd Annual U.S. VETS 5K Fun Run/Walk

2nd Annual U.S. VETS 5K Fun Run/Walk

US Veterans Initiative is having our 2nd Annual 5k Race/Walk event. As the volunteer coordinator, I invite and welcome your participation either as a racer/walker or as a volunteer. Please pass this information on. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.

The links are as follows:



For more information contact:
Joycelyn J. Rios, (US Army 77-87)
Coordinator, Women Veteran's ADVANCE Program
United States Veterans Initiative-Houston
Main Line: (832) 203-1626
Direct Line: (832) 203-1626 Ext. 108
Fax: (832)-203-1630
Visit us at
" Serving those Who Served"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Subject: TDHCA: Changes to Utility Allowance Regulations [MFC] [HTC]

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2009-44 on May 5, 2009, amending Treasury Regulation §1.42-10.

The Notice clarifies that the utility costs paid by a tenant based on actual consumption are included in a utility allowance. Utilities paid to or through the owner of the building based on an allocation method or RUBS are considered a mandatory fee and not included in the allowance.

Please see and for additional information.
Contact Stephanie Naquin at or by phone at (512) 657-5528 for more information.

Alert - Senate Passes HUD McKinney and Renter Protection Legislation

Legislation to reauthorize the McKinney-Vento Act housing programs administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was passed out of the Senate today as an amendment to S. 896, the "Helping Families Save Their Homes Act." The amendment, authored by Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) would codify the Continuum of Care process and consolidate three competitive HUD McKinney programs (Supportive Housing, Shelter Plus Care, and Section 8 Single Room Occupancy) into a single program with greater flexibility. The bill would also rename the Emergency Shelter Grant program as the Emergency Solutions Grant program and expand eligible activities to include short- and medium-term rental assistance, housing relocation assistance, and additional activities to prevent homelessness. Additionally, the bill creates new flexibility for nonprofits in rural areas and directs the Interagency Council on Homelessness to develop a national plan to end homelessness and work to eliminate laws and policies that criminalize homelessness. While the bill is not perfect, NLCHP believes that it represents an important step forward.In addition to Senator Reed's HUD McKinney amendment, S. 896 as passed by the Senate also included an important renter protection amendment offered by Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Senator Kerry's amendment would require that in any foreclosure made "on a federally-related mortgage loan or on any dwelling or residential real property after the date of enactment", tenants in such dwellings with bona-fide leases or tenancies would have the right to remain in the unit for the remainder of their lease and would have the right to 90 days notice prior to eviction. A recent review of state foreclosure laws by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty and the National Low-Income Housing Coalition found that renter notification laws are uneven across states and in only a few states did tenancy survive foreclosure (a copy of the report, Without Just Cause, may be found here or NLCHP supported both the Reed and Kerry amendments.The Senate passed its version of S. 896 by a vote of 94-5. A companion bill to S. 896 has already passed the House but lacks the tenant protection and McKinney reauthorization provisions. The next step in the process will be for the House and Senate to appoint a conference committee to address differences between the two bills. Once the conference committee has agreed to the language, the bill must be passed again by the full House and Senate and be signed by the President in order to become law. NLCHP will be sending out an additional alert once conferees have been chosen. Thanks to all who made calls or sent emails in support of the legislation. With your help, we can provide new resources and protections to vulnerable individuals and families.For more information, contact Laurel Weir @

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



The House-Senate appropriations conference committee will determine funding for the Housing Trust Fund and the Homelessness Service Funding Initiative as early as TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 5!


House Appropriations put $1 million annually in Article 7 (TDHCA budget) and $8 million annually in Article 11 for homeless funding and Senate Appropriations put $25 million annually in Article 11 “wish list”. We need to encourage appropriations conferees to put the $25M Senate amount in Article 7. The legislative affairs offices of Dallas and San Antonio have been working hard to secure conferees’ support; we need final phone calls/faxes to conferees TODAY! This funding will be shared between the eight largest cities, with a percentage set aside for rural Texas.

The House has approved approx. $50 million over the biennium, plus $20 million in the Article 11 "wish list." The Senate has approved just a $5 million increase, plus $20 million in the "wish list." We need to encourage the conference committee to support the House appropriations, PLUS the $20 million in the wish list.

WE URGENTLY NEED CALLS/FAXES IN THE NEXT 2 to 3 HOURS – followup to other delegation members will be requested later this week.

House-Senate Appropriations Conference Committee

Senate Chair: Senator Steve Ogden (Brazos, Burleson, Freestone, Grimes, Houston, Lee, Leon, Limestone, Madison, Milam, Robertson, Trinity, Walker, Williamson)
Phone: 512-463-0105, or 512-463-0370 to speak to Senate Finance aide Laura Kolstad

Senator charged with Article 7 (Housing Trust Fund):Florence Shapiro(Collin, Dallas)
Phone: 512-463-0108 (aide is Mike Kamerlander)

Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa
(Brooks, Hidalgo, Jim Wells, Nueces)
Phone: 512-463-0120 (aide is Jerry Haddican)

Senator Royce West (Dallas)
Phone: 512-463-0123 (aide is Tim Thetford)

Senator Tommy Williams (Chambers, Harris, Jefferson, Liberty,Montgomery, Orange)
Phone: 512-463-0104 (aide is Jason Baxter)

House Chair: Jim Pitts (Ellis, Hill)
Phone: 512-463-0516 (aide is Todd Kercheval)

Rep. charged with Article 7: Ruth Jones
McClendon (Bexar)
Phone: 512-463-0708 (aide is Janis Reinken)

Rep. Richard Raymond (Webb)
Phone: 512-463-0558 (aide is Jesus "Chuy" Gonzalez)

Rep. John Otto (Liberty, Montgomery, Polk)
Phone: 512-463-0570 (aide is Nikki Dawson)

Rep. John Zerwas (Fort Bend, Waller, Wharton)
Phone: 512-463-0657 (aide is Brad Westmoreland)

Action Items:
· If your Representative or Senator is on the conference committee, please call that member and encourage their support of the Housing Trust Fund. Ask them to support the House appropriations for the Housing Trust Fund, as well as the $20 million in the Article 11 "wish list," or at least $35 million per year in funding.

Talking Points for Callers:

· Introduce yourself and your organization
· Highlight that your organization serves the Senator’s/ Representative's constituents
· State that limited funding for Homeless Service Initiative and the Housing Trust Fund are in Article 7, but the bulk of needed funding is in Article 11.
· Homeless Service Initiative: Encourage the Senator’s/ Representative's support for moving the $25M in Senate Appropriations from Article 11 to Article 7 (there is currently $1M in the House version of Article 7, plus $8M in Article 11).
· Housing Trust Fund: Encourage support for the House appropriations bill's funding for the Housing Trust Fund. Ask them to also support the $20 million from the Article 11 "wish list" that is in both the House and Senate versions.
· Thank the staffer for their time and for passing this message along to the Senator / Representative

DOL-VETS Issues SGA for VWIP Grants:

Department of Labor-Veterans' Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS) announces a grant competition under the Veterans' Workforce Investment Program (VWIP) for Program Year (PY) 2009, as authorized under Section 168 of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. WIA section 168 authorizes the Department of Labor to make grants to meet the needs for workforce investment activities of veterans with service-connected disabilities, veterans who have significant barriers to employment, veterans who served on active duty in the armed forces during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized, and recently separated veterans within 48 months of discharge (under conditions other than dishonorable). Veterans who received a "dishonorable'" discharge are ineligible for VWIP services. Priority of service for veterans in all Department of Labor funded training programs is established in 38 U.S.C. 4215.
VWIP grants are intended to address two objectives:
(a) To provide services to assist in reintegrating eligible veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force;
(b) to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex employability problems facing eligible veterans.
DOL-VETS will award $6.9 million for PY 2009, and expects to fund up to 13 grants. Projects that support the President's commitment to ``Green Energy Jobs' and propose a clear strategy for training and employment in the renewable energy economy, are considered unique and innovative and will receive priority consideration. The full Solicitation for Grant Application is posted on under U.S. Department of Labor/VETS. Applications submitted through or hard copy will be accepted.
If you need to speak to a person concerning these grants, you may telephone Cassandra Mitchell at 202-693-4570 (not a toll-free number). If you have issues regarding access to the Web site, you may telephone the Contact Center Phone at 1-800-518-4726.

Monday, May 4, 2009

FREE Event


Where: Discovery Green Anheuser-Busch Stage and Fondren Lawn
When: May 9, 6 pm
What: For the past six months, teenage parents working with Texans Together have been interviewing other young parents, educators, policy makers and advocates to discuss how to strengthen support for current young families and how to prevent unexpected teen pregnancy. The young parents speak candidly about their situation, challenge common stereotypes and discuss the personal impact of bad public policy in their own words.

Every 10 minutes a teenager gives birth in Texas and many young families fall through the cracks. They are 10 times more likely to live in poverty and children born to teenage parents may be among the most vulnerable children in our society. They are more likely to repeat grades, drop out of school, be abused as children and incarcerated as adults.

All interviews and filming were done by the young parents themselves, offering a unique perspective to a complex problem. With all the discussion around teenage pregnancy this films offers valuable insight from those who are impacted the most.

Featuring interviews with:
Young Parents from across the city;
Planned Parenthood's Teen Reach;
Susan Kellner, Spring Branch ISD President;
Suzii Paynter, Christian Life Commission;
Laura Guerra-Cardus, Childrens Defense Fund;
and many others.

Hip-Hop Artist Showcase begins at 6pm with performances from Rap-A-Lot Records and Fiyaworks Entertainment

***The music is aimed at a younger crowd so for those interested in only in the film, it is scheduled to show at 7:00.

This is a FREE outdoor event on a lawn, so consider bringing blankets or chairs. In the event of rain, the event will be canceled.

Lessen the Spread of Flu in the Home

Flu viruses are mainly spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with the flu. Germs can also be spread when a person touches something that has germs on it (e.g. a desk, phone, door knob) and then touches their own eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands. When providing care to a person who is sick with the flu, be sure to protect yourself and others who are not sick by washing your hands often with soap and water and following these recommendations:

Implement social distancing at home
  • Keep the sick person in a room separate from the common areas of the home and keep the door closed.
  • Have the sick person use a separate bathroom if possible.
  • This bathroom should be cleaned daily with a household disinfectant such as bleach. Have the sick person wear a surgical mask when in a common area of the home.
  • Have only one person in the home take care of the sick person if possible.

    Protect other persons in the home from becoming ill
  • Ensure all persons in the home thoroughly wash their hands with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently. This is especially important for the sick person after coughing and/or sneezing.
  • Use paper towels for drying hands after hand washing or assign each person in the home a separate cloth towel (e.g. have different colored towels for each person).

    Protect yourself from becoming ill
  • Avoid close, face-to-face contact with the sick person.
  • Remind the sick person to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or by coughing into the inside of the elbow.
  • When holding small children who are sick, place their chin on your shoulder so that they will not cough into your face.
  • Throw away tissues and other disposable items used by the sick person in the trash. Wash your hands after touching used tissues and similar waste.

    Good housekeeping helps everyone
  • Keep surfaces clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to the directions on the product label.
  • Linens, eating utensils, and dishes used by a sick person do not need to be cleaned separately, but should be washed with soap and water before being used by others in the home.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Understanding Grants
and the Grant Writing Process"

Workshop Topics:
• Is Your Organization Ready for Grant Funding?
• Private, Government, & Corporate Funding
• Where to Identify Funding Opportunities
• Writing Letters of Inquiry
• Interpreting RFPs and the review process
• Preparing a Grant Proposal
Also: “Tips and Rules of Thumb in Grantwriting”

Early Bird Registration - $69 per person.
Regular Registration - $79 per person.
On-site Registration - $99 per person

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
8:30am - 12:30pm

11811 North Freeway
Houston, TX 77060


Saturday, May 2, 2009

City of Houston Municipal Court Amnesty Program

Program Runs From May 1st thru May 16th, 2009

Houston scofflaws who ignored parking tickets or traffic citations are getting a second chance.

Beginning Friday, Municipal Court judges will begin a 16-day amnesty program for those with outstanding warrants for traffic and parking tickets, as well as other citations for violation of city ordinances, that were delinquent as of Feb. 28.

There are a few rules for the May 1-16 amnesty program:

Those under the age of 17 must appear in court with a parent, guardian or managing conservator.

Only defendants named in the citation, or their attorneys, can make an appearance.

Those with delinquent parking citations will be allowed to pay the original citation amount, plus a 30-percent collection fee.

Defendants who come to the Municipal Courts to pay their fines, even those with warrants for failing to appear, will not be arrested, city officials said.

Fines can be paid in person at the Municipal Courts building at 1400 Lubbock, the Southeast and Westside police substations, and the court annex buildings in Clear Lake, Kingwood, and Acres Home.

Brought to you by the

For those homeless with outstanding cases and enrolled in a case managed program assisting you to exit homelessness, speak to your case manager on how you may access the Homeless Court Program.

For more information please call the Coalition for the Homeless, M-F between 8am-5pm @ 713.739.7514.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wake Up, Check Up, MAN UP!

Save This Date!

For The Houston Department of Health and Human Services

Male Health & Wellness Expo
June 13, 2009

Saturday ● 10am – 6pm
George R. Brown Convention Center ● Exhibit Hall A

FREE Health Screenings ● Prevention and Wellness Information ● Consultations with Healthcare Providers ● Healthy Cooking Demonstrations ● Fitness Demonstrations ● Local Social Service Agencies ● Eligibility Screenings for Health Services ● Job Readiness ● GED Prep & Higher Education ● Massages
● Multilingual Staff Available

FREE Prizes and Give-a-ways ● Video Game and Basketball Contests ● Live Sports Talk Radio and Media Broadcast Remotes ● Scheduled Appearances by Local Celebrities and
Professional Athletes

For more information, please contact: Sopheak Pen 713-778-6505